Tuesday 17 December 2013

Cookie Oreo Balls

Cookie Oreo Balls made me feel like a cry baby. Initially, I planned on making them alone so I went to NTUC to buy all the ingredients but my parents didn't really approve me of buying them. Because my mum was having sore throat and they think that after I made them no one will eat it. So I kind of teared at NTUC. Ok not really teared cos I held it in but my eyes were probably filled with tears. But all is good now, now I think of it I think I quite lame and cry baby. But at the moment in my head was like "how can you guys deprive me of my fun!!!!!!" I guess I was really too bored that day. Or it must have been the hormones.

But anyway, I'm pretty much a stubborn girl so I went to ask my cousin if she wanted to make it together so we did! Lucky for me cos this time round confirm can finish eating all that we made since more people can share it. So I went over to her house the other day to make it! Went to buy the ingredients together and we are all ready to start!

Here's the recipe if you want to try it! You probably should, it's super easy and yummy! No joke.
(Recipe - http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/oreo-cookie-balls-126799.aspx )

These are the ingredients you need - 36 Oreo Cookies , Cream cheese, 4 OZ semi-sweet chocolate. (adds up to around $12)

Super duper cute paper cups from Daiso. Just got to love Daiso for all their cheap and cute stuff.

We needed to make the cookies into crumbs. I guess you can use blender if you have it but since we weren't equipped with proper equipment, we used er... Controllers and hammers and metal spoons. My grandma is a genius, she brought out metal spoons and hammer for us to turn those cookies into crumbs.And guess what, it worked well! Lesson of the day: There's always more than one route/way to doing things. Be flexible! Hahaha

This actually look like we are hammering cement or something

Our crumbs looking so finely fine.

And here we are again, being flexible smart chefs. We were suppose to use a blender/mixer to blend the cream cheese and oreo crumbs together but we didn't have a mixer. So we used our hands, manual power! Maybe it won't be mixed as well as a proper mixer but it's not too bad la. Make do with what we have!

Ft. my swollen and puffy eyes. This is what you get for sleeping at 6am.

I'm not going to tell you what my cousin and aunt says this looks like.You can figure it out yourself. But I suggest you better don't! 
(In case you lose the interest to make the oreo balls any further.)

After you are done mixing them together, just make them into balls! The size is up to you but we tried to make them into bite-size. 
Lil cousin made a cute face on the oreo ball. Hahaha 

After making them into balls. Put them into the freezer for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, you can melt the baking chocolate. You can use the stove or microwave, either way is more convenient for you!

And after freezing the oreo balls for 10 minutes, coat it with the melted chocolate!

Add any decorations you want on it (we added colourful chocolate balls) and put them back into the freezer for at least an hour!


Cousin made some yummy mint-chocolate coated corn flakes too. It's really nice! I don't have the recipe to it so you can just google it or figure it out yourself, it's super easy. :)

artsy fartsy shot cousin took of my phone while I was taking photo of the yummy treat.

Had a really great and fun time making all these treats. No one can say no to yummy chocolate and oreo related food. Yes?

(oh and credits for most of the above candid photos goes to my aunt! )

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