Monday 23 December 2013

Happy birthday Dad

Went to celebrate dad's birthday the other day, I think it was friday? Yup, friday. Dinner was at Dempsey Hill's Jumbo Seafood restaurant! My first time going to Dempsey Hill so I was pretty excited for it. Cos I always perceive Dempsey area as some atas and nice place. And it's a pretty nice place, felt like I was out of town or away from the usual sardine-packed city!

Fried Squid

This is like one of my fav veg dish! We usually order this at Tze char stalls.
With salted egg and century egg (not sure what veg is this though, prob spinach or something)

Love Jumbo's service no matter at which branch! They are always so attentive to small details.
This was some piece of clothe the staff put over my clutch to avoid any spillage or whatsoever getting to it. THUMBS UP FOR THIS. How sweet! They also gave me like some plastic zip lock bag to put my phone in. And needless to say, the constant changing of plates and topping up of drinks even without asking.

Golden Pheonix Chicken. This is quite interesting actually. It tasted like fish cake just that with a layer of chicken skin over it.......... I wonder how they do that.

And of course my all time fav! CRABS!!!!! No matter black pepper, white pepper, chili, salted egg or steamed, I LOVE IT ALL. I think mummy mentioned before she was craving for crabs often when she had me. Guess I have been loving it since I'm in mum's womb. No wonder I'm always full of crap cos I love crabs. (yes pun intended but why am I insulting myself wtf)

With daddy, X

Definitely a really tough year for us but I'm glad its at least getting better. Ending off this post with some oreo ball we specially made for dad. Yet again, nothing extravagant cos I'm really hella as broke right now but its the thoughts that count right?

 We spent hours making it wasting so much money on the chocolate to coat over the balls. Bought chocolate three times actually. Cos the first time we bought the chocolate, I kind of burnt it cos I placed the chocolate directly over the stove so it failed badly. The second time we bought chocolate from a convenience store downstairs my house immediately after I burnt the first batch of chocolate. And since its a convenience store, they don't have baking chocolate so we got normal chocolate and to cut short the la-dee-la-dee, it didn't melted well and IT SCREWED UP AGAIN. Chocolate god didn't liked me that day. Finally melted the chocolate properly on the third attempt!!!!!!!

Ok happy birthday again dad, thanks for the many times you were behind me to give me an extra push, to bring me back to track and to care for me. Love you, X.

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