Sunday 1 December 2013

Good day x

Prom is on tuesday so that leaves me with 2 more days to get my dress ,shoes and stuff. It's such a chore I don't even feel like going for prom anymore haha. But after all, I paid close to $100 so I guess it's too late to back out now.........

Went out with my beloved girls on Thursday! Missed them so much aince it has been more than 1 month I last met them since Hui Shi's birthday celebration. And I'm really touched that they made time out to meet me! Cos' Huishi had an exam the next day and it was submission period for Crystal.


Met Crystal at 12.30pm and as usual it was 1 hour later of our agreed time to meet hahaha. Its super common between us to be late at least 1 hour from our agreed timing. Either she's the slow one or I'm the slow one. We have the same name for a reason HAHA.

Went to Common Man Coffee Roasters located near Robertson Quay. You don't know where is Robertson Quay right??!? I know you don't know because I also don't know hahaha. Ended up taking a cab there from Chinatown.

Mocha ($5) for me! Love the stone looking cup.

Act artsy shot fail la I know

Organic Eggs Benedict ($24)

I'm no food expert, that's a definite. Like some times people tell me nice I also say "ok so so" , people tell me not nice I also say "ok so so". That's unless it's really nice or really horrible la. I'm not a pig which puts everything inside my mouth haha. 

So if you want to know my verdict on the food there, I will say...... the mocha was ok so-so because after all its roasted by themselves. Hence, I guess it belongs to the nice "ok so so". The organic eggs benedict si gui de lor. I hated the beef below the egg though, its a little not fresh and bloody. I'm very anal when it comes to meat because I don't really like eating meat due to the meaty-taste.

Then off we went to town to shop! There were a few dress suitable for prom that I quite like but its either too expensive or don't have my size so I have yet to make a decision. Sigh, burden HAHA. 

Anyway, I got cheated again. Ok , not technically cheated because I have no concrete evidence.But its like those kind of people on the streets that are selling those $10 vouchers/coupons/simply just minimum $10 donation. They claim to be helping those beneficiaries and show you their license and stuff but I'm just really skeptical. There has been like numerous complains and reports on stomps about these so call social entrepreneurship recently. Like they are not really licensed and the money don't even go to the beneficiaries.

I know I might get cheated but I have to tell you I'm SUPER DUPER soft hearted. I cannot stand people "please" or persuade me relentlessly one. So end up me and crystal shared $5 each and donated. I SUPER REGRET UNTIL NOW. It's like my second time getting "cheated" already la. 

I stand by the view that if we really have to donate, its better to donate straight to the proper organisations or to the victims themselves. At least then you know the money really gets to them. 

So, those selling coupons, STOP APPROACHING ME CAN OR NOT.  

Ok moving on, orchard is decorated with pretty Christmas decorations or trees everywhere! The festive season feeling's quite strong! I like!

 Took photos with the X'mas tree at Far east. My face so round omg cannot tahan.

Then, met Huishi around evening and continued shopping! This is a photo of us being bimbos at macs without ordering anything hahaha. We were like camwhoring with Huishi's photobooth on her macbook, looking at make up tutorials (since she's doing my make up for me for prom yay) and looking through taobao.


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