Friday 27 December 2013

Ho ho ho

MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! I hope you received lots of presents and love from your loved ones.

I kind of feel that the number of presents is like inversely proportional to a person's age... Of course not everyone, but yes it's applicable to some of us. The excitement in receiving presents and waiting for Christmas to arrive when I was younger was also stronger somehow. But anyway, spending it with people I love and enjoy being around with was sufficient to make it a better day than normal ones.

Had a BBQ at Pasir Ris Park on christmas eve with my family and my mum's friends and their families. It's kind of a tradition almost every year to get together with them. Phew were we lucky to not have rain that day! Here's me acting cute with my $2 reindeer headband from Daiso on the way there. Trying to make full use of my $2 by snapping more photos. #bimbologic

With the childhood friend, practically known her for my whole life since she's a year older than me and mummy's good friend's child haha. Who knows in future years it will be both of our job instead to plan for gatherings instead of our mummys. And maybe in late late late future to come, our child will take on the job. HAHAHAA ok think too much

With some lightstick for a fishing rod hahaha. Yo yi dian scary hor


And on the next day which is Christmas, met up with Huishi and Crystal! Kind of my first year spending Christmas with my friends and it was pretty nice for a start. Had lots of laughter (as usual with them) and catching up. Santa didn't drop by my house to give me a gucci bag or a new ferrari, he blessed me with two good friends instead which is more precious than anything. 

HAHAHAHA wo hen sweet hor. ok too much cheesiness.

Had dinner at Lola's cafe but the queue was damn long. It's kind of shocking for me actually, I always have the perception that most people will be gathered at home for celebrations and all but there are actually a lot of people dining out. I think I too suagu liao. 

Anyway, I think there was like 10 or 12 tables waiting ahead of us so we took a queue number and went to Joe's corner and bar to pass time haha. Ordered some drinks and chocolate lava cake. 

After an hour plus, finally there's a table available. Reminder to self : better reserve a table in advance if dining out in festive seasons. 

Coastal Seafood Marinara

Lindeman's Apple and Peach Cider

Summer Swimmer Crab Spaghetti. (in creamy tomato based sauce)

Honey and Paprika Crispy Wings. Love this!

Lemon Meringue Tart. I don't usually fancy this but Lola's Lemon Meringue Tart is quite good. The lemon cream is sour enough for my liking. I love sour stuff. I guess that's why my friends sometimes say I'm a pregnant lady zz.

Our total bill sums up to $60! I don't think there was any GST or svc charge and its pretty worth it for all the food and drinks we ordered!

After which, we went to Kovan Macs to camwhore. Cos previously at Lola's, the lighting were pretty dimmed so we didn't manage to take any pictures together haha. 

I tell you the photos in collage is only like half of what we took. Dear Crystal Tan is a perfectionist at heart hahaha. She wasn't satisfied with most of the shots hahaha. This is really what you get when 3 bimbos unite. Let's just say a girl has to do what she gotta do huh?

Speaking about bimbos, it's kind of funny that Huishi has asked both me and Crystal to help her in her filming in her school project. Guess what's our role? Act as bimbos HAHAHAHA. But anyway, it sounds fun filming. Just hope I can control my laughters on that day and not sabotage her project. *Fingers crossed*

Hm it's now 1.14 am as I'm typing this now and I should have slept early. Meeting Bryan later on to go to Science Centre! Science centre baby! I've always wanted to go there for quite some time already actually, so I'm quite excited!

 Told my classmates before that I wanted to go there and they always brush me off. Say "eh Crystal go science centre need us print parent consent form or not you small kid" HAHAHAAH WTS RIGHT. Ok quite funny actually hahahahaha.

Oh and yes, I was saying I should be sleeping early but I. CAN'T. FIND. ANYTHING. TO. WEAR. URGHSHXBJASJHBJABXA. Please rain some cash on me, I need lots of money to go shopping and buy more clothes. I ran out of things to wear. ): I'm like delaying the process of choosing an outfit for tmr cos I'm so lazy and sian of do that. It's tiring. So I currently haven't pick out a top, a bottom, footwear, bag to wear. And I can't find my camera charger. 

Really ought to faster find a job. I need $$$. Period.

Alright good night internet world. Have a nice TGIF later on.

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