Wednesday 11 December 2013


Every holiday I tell myself I'm going to be the sophiscated and healthy girl. Like going jogging everyday, waking up at 10am every morning, doing housework, reading up good books, going on discovery and reflecting walks, cleanse myself emotionally and physically. And the list go on. 

That's what I visioned and hope I do. 



This post from SGAG is super duper relatable la hahahaha.

Firstly, the "tidy up my room and other stuffs" part. I totally told myself that I will fold up my 2 baskets of laundry since the end of my exams until now, which is............. let me see, more than 10 days since I ended my exams already? Sad to admit, it's still there now haha. But in defense, I did fold like one basket, so I cleared one basket already. But then I just washed my laundry so it's now back to 2 baskets. Any kind volunteers? Hao ren yo hao bao. PLEASE? 

AND THE JOGGING ONE HAHAHAHA. During my exams, I had this vision of me running every day after my exams to keep fit. And after my exams until now, not once did I went to run omg I'm so lazy. I actually did want to go jog today but then I ended up sleeping at 4am and waking up at 1 plus in the afternoon (thanks to wattpad, got me all hooked up urgh)

"Finish up all my online assignments" - Ok no online assignments for now since I just graduated haha. Yay.

Oh, "go work part time to earn some money". Erm. I'm still jobless. But I have been actively looking out for jobs ok. I got a job yesterday as a matter of fact. Went for the interview in formal dress and heels to found out that the boss only needed a 4 hours/day worker so I rejected after much thoughts. 

"Spend more time with mum and dad" ....... hm.. I guess I did that, I went movies with them yesterday. Other than that, I'm mostly at home nua-ing so I pretty much see them a lot.

Oh and "read up new books to gain knowledge". I.......................... did. Wattpad has a lot of books! Just that those are E-books. Well, and...... I gained knowledge about American teens culture HAHA. (since most of the stories published are by Americans).

HAHAHAHAHAHA and on average I wake up at later than 1pm. Wa daamn pig now.

Seriously when I first saw the photo, I was like "WHAUUUUT HOW CAN THIS BE SO APT HAHA". I find comfort that I'm not the only lazy ass teen out there. Phew.

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