Wednesday 4 December 2013

Prom - Eternal Elegance

So Prom is finally over. It felt like a short-lived night, a princess for 3 hours then poof, no more HAHA. Ok not even a princess lor, I look so ugly in the photos and I don't even have any nice solo pictures. WHYYYYYYYYYY (#bimbomoment la sorry)

It's like I spent so much time to shop and prepare, spent money on it for that 3 hours and it's all gone! Remind me why all girls prepare and doll up like crazy again? Nonetheless, I'm sure it was a good memory to look back on for life.

First stop : went to curl my hair. I was quite scared actually haha. I'm not sure if you guys have seen this video of a girl who was curling her hair until like her hair burnt  on youtube, but I was fearing for that hahaha. And I damn scared the curling iron touch until my skin la. Ok I think too much. Here's how it looked like initially. I keep like emphasizing to my hair stylist I want it to be damn natural and not maggiemee-alike. It didn't turned out as the worst case scenario I imagined, so, PHEW.


Second stop : Went to Huishi's house! She's like my make-up artist and manicurist for the day. Damn talented this girl, don't need study design in poly liao. Go be make-up artist now HAHA. 

That's her doing my nails for me hehehe

Damn thankful for her! She watched like a lot of make up tutorials just for my make up! I'M SO BLESSED TO HAVE HER. 

Did my make up for like close to two hours or something HAHA. Lucky it turned out ok. Had a lot of fun doing make up although at some parts I nearly fell asleep haha. 

Then Kaiwen and Janel came over to Huishi's place to cab me there! Prom's at Mandarin Orchard. We were like 1 hour late I think HAHA.

I thought I look quite bad that night ): And I didn't take a lot of photos haha. I was trying to minimize walking cos the heels hurt like a bitch man. A TOTAL BITCH. Toes pain, sole pain, back of my leg(don't know called what hahaha) pain. It nearly drove me crazy. Shouldn't bought those heels, super uncomfortable. The price of beauty...... sigh.

But ok la, after all I did had a okay night. And I took photos with this cute guy that I dont know HAHAAHA. SHYS. Go ahead and guess, he's one of them above haha

Anyway, after this whole preparation and prom stuff, I'm super exhausted man hahaha. So so so so so exhausted I spent the whole day today sleeping. I went almost everyday to town to shop after my A levels la. I'm so sick of going town area now I don't want to go there anymore for a month or so.

Haha ok bye, finally some time to catch up on my korean drama before I'm commited to a job. BYEEEE, sleep well guys!

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