Monday 23 December 2013

Crystal food log

I have so many pictures of food on my phone's camera roll. Scroll down to feel hungry (ok maybe not, some food are so boring)

I think this was one of my lunch on some stay-home-day. You can always count on bananas for a quick and filling meal. Ok maybe not as meal but something to fill up your growling tummy!

This too, lunch on I don't know when. Its yummy though and super filling!

Canele's Le chocolat croustillant (crispy chocolate cake). I KNEW I WOULD FORGET THE NAME! I saved the name on my iphone's notes.

Just gotta love my froyo, esp yami's yogurt. LOVE ITTTT.

Don't know whether this is suagu or not but I don't rmb trying honeyed corn flakes prior to buying this. I always just buy the normal plain corn flakes. And this is super yum!!! Been eating it non-stop.

6 oz espresso bar while waiting for mum the other day. The cake tasted yucks. Fake chocolate and all.......... And it was so expensive for all that fake chocolate. Have to say the Iced Mocha was really good though!

Over the rainbow waffles at Eggs and Berries!

Itacho Sushi. One of my fav Jap cuisine restaurant. Everything is so fresh and yums.

My $2 super cute hello kitty mineral water from 7 ELEVEN. Seriously drink water from hello kitty the water taste nice! I don't usually drink much water at home but as I'm typing this now, I have a bottle of hello kitty filled up beside me now. hahahaha. The only boo thing is that I later saw it guardian at $1.95 and at "buy one get one free". GRR. And I bought them again hehe. A blue and a pink one.

Tim Ho Wan. Not bad the food there! But the queue is insane, INSANE

Bon Appetit //

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