Saturday 14 December 2013

Pet peeves

I'm horribly bored at home now. I was so so so bored at home that despite my stomach cramps yesterday I went out with mum to orchard. Not that I miss studying or anything, it's just that I'm a little sick of holidays already haha. Like every day damn nua la, just nua around , drama, wattpad etc etc, waiting for another day to pass.

I really need to get a job soon. Anyway, since I'm so bored now I decided to blog haha. Today's topic - pet peeves. As a virgo, we virgos get irritated very easily. Here's 3 pet peeves of mine.

1) People not passing on messages exactly as it is.

I get really annoyed when someone accounting an incident or passing on a message do not recount it exactly as what happened or what the person said. I'm pretty anal about it because I feel that when you change a little detail here and there when recounting, it kind of change the meaning of it.

Let me give you an example.

Lily met her friend, Mary today. She told Mary that she was annoyed with her boyfriend because her boyfriend was late in meeting her. They were supposed to meet at 3 but her boyfriend came at 4. And her boyfriend gave an excuse of how it was because he was caught up in a meeting and then later stuck in a traffic jam. So they had a miny argument.

But when Mary is sharing the incident to another of their bff, let's say Cindy. She told cindy that Lily is VERY ANGRY with her boyfriend because they were supposed to meet at 3 but her boyfriend reached at 4 PLUS. Her boyfriend said it was because he was caught up in a meeting. Now Lily LIKE DAMN PISSED WITH HER BOYFRIEND, LIKE KEEP QUARRELING.

Firstly, 4 and 4 plus got A LOT OF DIFFERENCE OK. Reaching 1 hour late is much better than reaching 1 hour plus later. And annoyed is different as angry. Annoyed means irritated, angry means mad and upset. The emotions are different! And miny argument is absolutely different as quarreling.

You guys get what I mean? HAHA. Ok my example was as shitty as hell cos I can't think of any incident right now. But the drift is that I can't stand it when people change what I said or add pepper add salt to an incident.

Like whenever I have to recount or pass on a message, I will make sure if I'm not sure about what happened I will add on "along that line" , "or something like that la" or ask them to check with the person again.

2) When people makes you look bad to make themselves look better in front of others.

I really can't stand people who are bloody insecure and just because of their own insecurity, they do not encourage you or acknowledge your good when you do something okay. Or like when they themselves are bad and when you make a small mistake, they rub it in and make you sound even bad/ lousier than they are. Stupid egoistic and inferiority complex people.

For example.

Tom is better than Mike at Science. But when Tom make a small mistake in class, in front of the whole class when the teacher asked a question, Mike goes like " ya lor ya lor, how come you don't know this is wrong HAHAHAHAHA. Teacher got say before ma"


Firstly, if you want to point out my mistake to me, by all means. I'm very glad and willing to acknowledge my mistake and work on it because it helps me improve. But hello, you can do it privately, and not in front of public/ in front of a crowd to make me look stupid. WHY? YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME LOOK STUPID SO THAT YOU WHO POINTED OUT THE MISTAKE LOOKS BLOODY SMART IS IT.

Or another example.

Kade bought a new latest iphone7 but Nancy is still stuck with her old Nokia phone. (Note: Kade did not haolian her phone or whatever, she just uses it as normal). Nancy who is jealous of Kade's new phone told her "aye iphone 7 where got good? So lousy, phone so long, so not durable. The phone camera is very nice la but with the filter and everything, you take photo also so fake, people think you look nice but actually is because of filter"


This is a classic example of jealous people trying to make what you have or what you do sound bad so that you feel bad of yourself.

I mean. If you are a true friend, you will acknowledge and encourage what a friend does. And you tell them that something doesn't looks nice on them because you really feel so and don't want them to look bad, not because you are jealous of them "winning" you


I get annoyed by this a lot. When like the escalator reaches the level, some people just have to alight really really slowly talking to their friends or use their phone. Or like block the area in front of the escalator. Nobody still never mind. But when you do it during rush hours at MRT stations and stuff, I get super irritated.

Like hello uncle?? You cannot see the whole lot of people behind you on the escalator is it?? You walk so slow how I get off?

I feel like any time I will trip off the escalator when someone blocks my way or like there will be a domino effect anytime at the escalator. To help you understand better, I shall draw it out for you.


Ok enough of my rants. Before you guys think I'm a naggy and easily irritated person. I'm sure everyone have their own pet peeves right?

Alright till then, bye. I shall go find something else to do!

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