Tuesday 30 October 2012


HEEEEEEEEY A VERY GOOD EVENING TO ALL OF YOU OUT THERE!! I'm Crystal and I'm your very first (and also last, and also only , and also the most awesome one) speaker for this evening!! Can I please have a show of hands who here are reading this blog to hear about what boring things I did these past few boring days?

 Wa that's almost everyone! I sure see everyone misses me a lot huh!!


HEHEHEHEHEHEH. Just too engrossed into OP scripting! now everyday OP OP OP OP OP. I want high high marks for my engagement please~

anyway!! come come let me tell you about my boring life since you all miss me so much! Doesn't it feels like eternity although I have only not be updating for 2/3 days? hahahaha. okok I need to mantain, getting erxin liao. Let me go grab a dustbin and vomit first

ok back. Anw, I didn't do much these few days leh! Well, I ate, I shit, I urine, I sleep, I do OP, I read watpatt A LOT ( werewolves, omg, loves loves), I had A level Chinese, I talk, I smile, I frown, I blushed, I fantasize (about hot alpha werewolves ) and ya lor!! haha. k la , A level Chinese , if any of my friends reading this are concerned (thank you so much for the best wishes and good luck xx) , it was okay la! I mean it was tough and I maybe will get C or B but I think quite hard for A leh... ): MY A....... HAI! i kinda took my time then end up left 5 marks blank.......

Oh and I was stressed also ):

k la just joking, I'm fine! these are just photos from my OP slides. :) My project's topic on teenage stress!!

ANYWAY MOVING ON! wa you know I was damn worried why I cant seem to walk in a straight line you know. like I feel like everytime I walk, I will knock into my friend beside cos I would end up leaning towards one particular side. So I googled "Why can't I walk straight" . Found out that scientists had tried to solve this question because humans actually CANNOT walk in a straight line. Phew, I thought I was the only one!!

K bye people, I'm off to prepare for my OP again! Talk to you guys soon. Take care and smileeeeee. :D ^^! Sorry if my slight high-ness disgusted you (which you shouldn't have any reasons to :) hehe)

Sunday 28 October 2012

Funny young self

Have you guys ever look back at life when you were like in lower sec? I sure did today! I decided to read my older blog just now and I totally had a great laugh. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA. Yes that's how funny it is to me hehehe.

I blog about like where I go and did. And basically reading back at it , it look more like a police report than a blog. Why I so cute!! Ahem.

It went like ..... "Today I went hougang mall. Then I went to pepper lunch with blah and blah. So full. Then I went to ah ma house. " and end of post. then I start replying tag replies HAHAHAHAH. Oh dear . I wonder why do people even read my blog last time! Must be give me face leave tag on my chatterbox(oh that ancient) then never even read my posts. Haha!

And I post bad things about my closed ones. If I turn back time to my lower sec time , I surely will give myself two tight slaps for being so childish and washing my dirty linen in public. Man! Appreciate what your loved ones does for you young lads!! Or else you will feel like slapping yourself next time I promise.

Now I know why a stranger once told my friend my blog last time damn boring. I was still so angry when I heard last time and wanted to scold her. Now, HI FIVE STRANGER. Hahaha.

I sure hope my blog isn't as boring now. But even if its boring, sorry la ): it's just so my style of communicating, sharing and thoughts now! Wait till I grow up few years later , look back at this blog and laugh at myself then I change ok!! Hahahaha .

Come come I give you eg of posts from 2009, that's me at 14 years old!!

Most interesting post already! Got video for people to see somemore! Mai siao siao

Walao Crystal. Police report ah?

Saturday 27 October 2012

Dummy's guide to living life

Man, spent the past one and a half hour changing blogskins, editing html codes. Got pissed from editing html codes from blogskins.com cos of the small font size and I really dont know how. Went back to blogger skins, then realised i can actually choose my own background image . WHICH MEANS. i wasted my past one and a half hour looking for nice skins from people and editing them. GOOD JOB CRYSTAL! ): how do you like my new tribal background now?? yay or nay?

anw I'm really bored of the 30 posts challenge now . hehe. I decided im too creative to rely on that for posts inspirations haha. nah im just joking, I will do that when I have the mood. I just have topics and other stuff to post on hand than that.

Lets look at what interesting topic I've come out with that's better than the 30 posts thing. *DRUMROLLS* - The dummy 's guide to living life.  

Ok meh, actually this is going to be a lil boring and act-inspiration post . haha . Its  just some questions that got me thinking about life recently and I shall just share it. I mean at a age of 17, we will definitely think about what we want to do for our life in the future and how we want our life to turn out right! At the age of 14, we already chose our subject combinations in preparation of what we want to pursue in our tertiary education , be it going to a specific course in poly or arts/sci stream in JC and so on. Then at the age of 16, after O's for me, I had to choose which path to go to as I prepare for the jobs I want when I graduate from tertiary or uni .So come on, put on your thinking caps! Let's try to think about our life together, we need to build a critical mind and thoughts of our own. LET'S GOOOOOOOO.

First question that I got was from Darren Ong, a local youtuber. He was sharing his views and giving some encouragements for O level students this year with regards to their future path and I thought it was really inspiring which got me thinking. The question was - If money has no value in society today, what would you rather be doing?

This is the video :)

I had doubts on what I want to do after I graduate from JC . Business or social science? But after watching this video, I chose social science. I mean if there's no value to money and I need to have a job, I would rather be out helping people, doing voluntary jobs, changing people's life rather than sitting in a office doing meaningless admin stuff, handling customer service calls, doing the accounts for the company and stuff. But practicality always beats dreams and passion. Last year, NYP came to my school to like intro their course and I considered on going for their social science course. But the person said that the pay in future will definitely not be high and its more of the passion than the money. So thats what held me back. I mean like I go for branded stuff and luxury products, and business related pay could definitely go much more higher. Oh well. Practicality or passion?

The next set inspiration thoughts came from Dr richard . I came across on his speech on facebook, he was a millionaire and a cosmetic surgery . So he was rich but he wasn't really blessed with "wealth" and happiness. He was contracted with stage 4 liver cancer and come to realise the true meaning of happiness. He always thought success = happiness .

"See the irony is that all these things that I have, the success, the trophies, my cars, my house and all. I thought that brought me happiness. But i was feeling really down, having severe depression. Having all these thoughts of my possessions, they brought me no joy. The thought of... You know, I can hug my Ferrari to sleep, no... No, it is not going to happen. It brought not a single comfort during my last ten months. And I thought they were, but they were not true happiness. But it wasn't. What really brought me joy in the last ten months was interaction with people, my loved ones, friends, people who genuinely care about me, they laugh and cry with me, and they are able to identify the pain and suffering I was going through. That brought joy to me, happiness. None of the things I have, all the possessions, and I thought those were supposed to bring me happiness. But it didn't, because if it did, I would have felt happy think about it, when I was feeling most down.."


You guys should totally watch the video. Its inspiring and thought-provoking :)

Anw, So this got me thinking of what I want to do in life again, I will choose social science and jobs that allow me to help others again.

And the last question was from Miss Ng, she asked this during commendation day - What kind of builder would you want to be? Bob the builder ? haha . eh for me personally, I just hope that by the end of my life, I hope I would mature to be a person that embraces the true meaning of forgiving, loving, happiness, etc. I hope by then I would accept people for who they really are and not judge people so much. I hope I would be living happily with my spouse, kids and grand kids and nurtured them into good people who gives back to the society. And I hope I would be satisfied with the major choices I have made in my life , live and grow with my regrets. I really hope so although it sounds too noble and big to achieve. hahaha.

For now, this is all talk. I guess I shall start from studying for my chinese A's on monday and try to not be such a lazy ass anymore so that I can have the choices in life. hahaha. But a conclusion from this post is that I still dont have a clear cut answer on what I would pursue in life in future. Maybe i will still work admin jobs and continue volunteering when I'm free or maybe I will go all out in social sector. I dont know. 

 I hope these questions got you thinking and inspire you as much as it did to me. :) Have a great weekend.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Commendation day

Today's commendation day! It's just this day when we went to the hall and celebrate all the j1s for coming so far (not so much of this leh) and congratulate those with academic and non-academic achievements.


With Kaiwen!

Some of the talks was a lil boring but I enjoyed this day. We had a little CG interaction before going the hall. Had sharings like "what do you like about this class and list one AFI " and "what's good about your CT and their AFIs" . As I slowly share, I suddenly felt a sense of grateful-ness, I felt I was blessed to be in this class and I'm just thankful for being in SRJC. Yes I'm serious haha

At the start of the year or throughout the year we had misunderstandings , bad perceptions of certain people and all! I disliked a few and thought some of the guys were REALLY immatured (there was this guy who laughed at my mickey ears i got pissed and all ) but I have come to spend a year, get to know some of their real intentions and I'm glad for this class, really. :) I grew and matured partly cos of them, both emotionally and in strength.

Here are some reasons why I like the class :

E.g. 1) Imagine having lessons from morning 8am and most of the days end at 6pm. The class energy level is just so amazing and good it pulls me through somewhat. Some of them are just so hyped up and funny! Haha. Had some hearty great laughs .

2) if you were to ask someone for help, they will actually be willing to help you, spend their time off to try to help you. After MYE, we had this buddy system where the better ones will help the weaker one academically! And really, my "tutor"/shifu , the best student in class at that time actually sacrifice his time for revisions and productive studying to help me and my other friends with our homework. So grateful of that

3) MY CTs are really awesome people. I remember I used to dislike one of my CTs because it seems like she likes to target me and ka-jiao me . Yes Miss Lam. But throughout the year, I get to know her . And I really like her now!! Her teasing are just part of her. She was also my PE teacher and throughout the year , from someone who never even bothers to run much in napfa, she encourages me , scolds me (she once kicked me out of class because me and my friends slacked throughout during PE even) and really pushes me to do better. And because of her, I broke some of my limits, I managed my first 10km will run and 10km Nike run. These 2 runs are certainly one of my highlights and lil things to be proud of this year and I'm glad she was partly the cause of this :) . My other CT, Mr Ma, also my GP teacher. I think he really puts in effort in teacher, he tries ways to make the class more bearable, engaging and interesting. Man trust me! It really helps a lot with his teaching method this year as I struggle to even stay awake in lessons. It was relaxing and I learnt a lot also, having first hand experiences on techniques! And guess what, I passed GP eventually for promos!! Yay !! He's so caring and I think he teaches me manners also. (He's quite sensitive about people greeting him and manners I suppose)

There are so many little reasons why so but I shall stop here. Just know I'm grateful for my class hehe.

Anw so after commendation day , we went to Seoul garden at Compass point! Mr Ma's and Ms Lam's treat yay !! Had fun and felt nice just being able to spend time together for lunch as a class today. Since we don't actually go out a lot as a class ! A fattening but delightful afternoon! ;)

Pictures from today!

Me and Kaiwen's take on OOTD. More like OOTTY - Outfit Of The Two Years haha

NOMS NOMS NOMS. protein feast.

chocolate ice cream and brownies. How can anyone get sick of sweet treats like this?

With Indah, very helpful and high CG rep.

With clique!

My shifu!!

Si Teng

Kai Kai

Da niao


my hair looks like siao zhabor.

hahaha. give me a choice for JC again, I will choose SR. :)


A random topic, a subject close to me -Insecurity

I think MOE hopes to educate students with thoughts of their own and a critical mind, so I actually try to have my thoughts in certain topics as far as I can relate. Just a practice for GP and JC llfe.

But. Man I dont know how to pen down my thoughts for this post. I'm actually staring hard at my com for this post for the first time, trying to organise my thoughts.  I just had some thoughts about insecurity as I reflect and look at some of the things, some of the people around me these few days. And, I actually got linked up with "Insecurity" quite a bit this year.

Wiki's def.

Insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be vulnerable in some way, or a sense of vulnerability or instability which threatens one's self-image or ego.

A person who is insecure lacks confidence in their own value, and one or more of their capabilities, lacks trust in themselves or others, or has fears that a present positive state is temporary, and will let them down and cause them loss or distress by "going wrong" in the future. This is a common trait, which only differs in degree between people.

Well, as seen from this def  it actually seems like insecurity is linked to confidence, ego. For me, yup, I think its related to confidence and ego also. But why is it linked this way? I think maybe its based on your past experience or encounter . As they say " once bitten twice shy", no one will want to let yourself be hurt after being  bitten once, right? Thats why we start to lose trust in ourselves, others, doubting things. losing confidence. We start to be cautious of our own actions, words and behavior because we dont want people to see us the way they used to and we dont want the associated impacts that comes alone with it. well, thats for me personally. I actually start to be self- conscious as I lose that self-confidence, because I know how it could be bad if I do something I perceive as not acceptable or how it is socially unacceptable.

I have friends telling me this is bad, telling me that I shouldnt be so self-consious and I shall just be myself to the fullest. I have hesitations on agreeing with this friend

You see, I used to be this girl who wants everything in my way, I want everyone to listen to me, I want my place, I want my talk. People start to distant from me and some start to bad-mouthed me. That was me when I was immature and living in my own world. But now as I think back on it, I don't like that, so I changed. I start to listen to others, I start to be less willing to speak out my thoughts as freely and out-rightly as I used to be. But I mean i don't know, is this considered a change for a better or is it insecurity kicking in?

I also start to be really  conscious of what other thinks of me as a result, because I have been making cautious little acts to ensure I dont become the old bitchy me. So, i start being conscious because I dont want people to misunderstand me for who I am, or see me as someone I dont want to be. Is this insecurity again? Or is it a change for a better?

Now, does insecurity have links with " a change for the better"?

I do think there's pros to insecurity actually, you slowly become the person you want to be, in a spot you will find more comfortable, easy in. You dont make stupid mistakes that others make, you become cautious and wary of things around you, you think twice, if not thrice before you shoot.

Also, you see, if you're self-conscious and insecure, you dont trust people easily right. If you're married, you lessen the chance of losing your man to others and cherish him more I guess! (Thats on the assumption that not all girls find a guy best for her that he will definitely stay loyal no matter what that is) You lessen the chance of getting together with jerks who you dont deserve as you ponder over whether you can trust this person and whether this guy is too good to believe for your own standards also, is he all out to cheat you out of something?

Yes I know how people say confidence is very important and you should be yourself, because if people really love you, they will accept you . But come on, if you're some fked up bitch and selfish girl with so much flaws, how can someone actually love you still? I dont believe in that unless that person really love you to bits or you guys are of the same flock.

Of cos insecurity has the share of cons. Its just annoying, you cant let go of yourself and you put unnecessary stress on yourself. You think too much also. and etc etc cons.

So well. Is self-confidence good or is insecurity good for you? I guess is should be equalled actually.

ah k, I just seem like some young teen getting confused in her own thoughts. oh well. haha I hope i get some views on "insecurity" so that I know whats best for me. haha

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Nike WeRun Sg 2012

Been trying to publish this since sunday and it failed! FINALLY. published successfully!! (Y)


Sunday, 21/10/12 :)

Went for Nike WeRun 10km today!! It started off at esplanade area and ended near marina bay sands. I think around 20000 people went and SRJC WON SCH CATEGORY!!! YAY.

Hehe. It's pretty fun . In fact I find it easier than school's will run. (I struggled though) Maybe because its not going around rounds and I don't really see the distance! Ran with Cintia for most of the race.

Pretty scenery everywhere. But I have slight sunburn , face's red now hai. Managed to complete below 90min mark and I have the finisher tee! Yay.

But stupid thing is i ran holding my phone. i swear i can feel the radiation going through my hand because my hands was wet from the sweat also. hai. And just had to bring my phone because me and Cintia was scared we run until cannot find each other .

& true enough, it was right to bring our phone around because there were a few times when we lost sight of each other and even with phone, I walked a few KM trying to locate her haha. should totally get an armband soon!

And sian damn ugly photos for the run today, my fringe hai. Trusted my hairstylist so much so I didn't give any specific instructions . Haha I'm glad I'm not ranting about it as much because I'm a grown up now . HEHEHE. And also I told myself "at least my hair is nice to one person,the hairstylist " haha he should find it nice since he cut it one la . Hahaha.

ugly cos of the runner tee's also. walao. I suspect whether they designed it to make all the girl's flaws appear. Not all the runners are slim, sexy has that weet-woot-weet body can!! ); don't have to remind me that. Make me look so fat . Tsk. Please have a larger shirt next year. And I'm not the only one, there's a lot of complains on Facebook for them also.

Ok bye!

3rd flag-off

gorgeous view , really.

me and cintia or is it cintia and me or is it cintia and I? my grammar urgh

random photo i snapped walking to the starting point

totally gorgeous running view

love the cute frame they have 

another one :)

With Mr Kan after run!

with Ms Lam after run. I.FREAKIN.LOOK.LIKE.A.BALL. gosh

look at the rubbish. Ungracious Singaporean. *shakes head* fine, ok i admit to contributing some of the rubbish during the run itself. Every one just threw it on the floor at every hydration point and i thought there wasnt any dustbin also, so you know..... guilty.

photobooth! can i just say i want a photobooth for my 21st celebration, please? anw, this is the finisher tee! cutting wasnt that slim. luckily, but still small even know I took M.

random tiger moth( I think) Cintia took. So pretty, it was on the bench

Next run will be run for hope 2012 with sis! Looking forward to it. :)

Sunday 21 October 2012

Happy birthday to a special girl

Hi dear! Sorry that I didn't write much on the card just now . Here you go, all the wishes I want to translate to you ;)

I hope you will really do well in poly, live well and be happy. 3 years has pass and it has really been a good time getting to know you and being your friend. We've been through so much and grow together. I like how you would always be there and care for me , with the motherly/grandmother-ly feel hehe. Thanks for enduring and accepting me for who I am. Every time we meet , it will be laughs and fun and I'm really glad we met. Thanks for standing up for me and fighting the best for me. Although we don't meet and talk as often anymore, I'm sure we both stand a important place in each other's heart. Please remember that I will always be here for you, we will just be a phone call/text away. :) if there's anything, dont forget that you can still count on me ok!! And you've grown to be such a beautiful young lady now with poise and charisma. Lets see each other soon and I hope you enjoy your birthday, celebration with us earlier on , the gift and the card. I love you. Happy birthday !

(photos snapped at snoopy cafe and cathay astons)

Thursday 18 October 2012


Hey babes & hunks! im back to update after not doing so for past two days! I bet someone misses me or at least I chose to believe so hehe. you know i realised something, after i created a blog, I started taking photos of everything, like literally everything hahahha. habits of a blogger I guess. Its just to add some sparkles to my seemingly boring blog with my little boring life. hai! ok updates start! *searching for updates* *photo-ey post update* *error detected* *Lazy bum post*


I cant remember what I did actually..... I had CCA and i forget what.


Its just yesterday &  I cant quite remember also. dang.

Ok I have bad memory but I found photos in my phone to update for wed and thurs , lucky for that hehe! ok here you go, photos i took on wed and thur!

I remember this! Its some jap biscuit my mom got! It really nice, it has like chocolate, dark chocolate, macha and strawberry flavour! This is the dark chocolate one :) noms! 

This was when the lecture hall blacked out half way! Nobody seemed to care and continued doing their work. So I did too, was doing chinese. Yes, chinese again.

This was screenshot-ed because I was listening to this beautiful song doing chinese under the very romantic dim-ed light LT. 

& nike werun route for this sunday!

 I think this was when I was struggling to stay awake at midnight doing chinese

Another song i listened to when LT blacked out

Basically how my week ended.

Me eating bread YESTERDAY! YAY ! I remember what I did ytd, finally!

so yes, i take pictures of myself eating bread

because I felt like it haha


School was almost the same as you can see from my timetable above. went to cut hair after school. the girl wash my hair until damn rough la, like pull out my hair only ): using her nails instead of finger balls or tips to wash. tsk. and met my darling crystal for movie and to do up birthday card! watched the perks of being a wallflower, not too bad! just not too worth for my $7.50. :) but i found the show quite relate-able in some parts 

"why do I and everyone I love pick someone that treats us like nothing? " 

Macs for dinz.

Green tea with alkaline water of pH 9.5 

new hairstyle im trying to get used to and nike shirt  + free bottle from racepack!

Hana chocolate from jaf jaf :)

couples couples everywhere, in cinema, in train. Im not the only with this thought k !

haha such a photo-ey post aint it? k have a great friday night and weekends! LOVES. let's enjoy this beautiful friday with a beautiful track from Rebecca Black. Yes her, what song is it, let's guess!
