Saturday 13 October 2012

Blissful parts of Saturday

Hey there! Its saturday, saturday! Gonna get down on saturday ~  How has your saturday went? :) I snooze my alarm happily again in the morning and head down to cca! reached one hour late and guess what! im not the latest still , hee. I was the second earliest actually. siao siao. another friend reached 2 hour late and two other cca mates didn't turn up! had fun today. The atmosphere there is just so nice and encouraging seeing them try their best!   

Morning Boccia session

Went for lunch soon after then back to school . for what again? yes Pw. Pw im sick of you alr, can you just faster end ? let me have my break, pretty please? 

messy table with our draft, laptop and snacks

Went to meet my dearest bro after that !! Missed him man. heh. went for POsh. 


   Justin's. What a cute name, black jack hehe. Its just dark chocolate flavoured actually. 

&&& tell me what do you do with such pretty treats? YES INSTAGRAM.

My shot on Instagram

Bro's one. hahahaha. so lousy compared to mine right. HEHE. like one slanted one. I still have to tilt my head to see the pic and the deco also cannot see HAIYOOOOOOOOO. mei yo wo de talent hahaha

Yay candid shot taken by me. Nice right. I think he looked cute here hehe. Must be because im a good photographer......Why am I so talented?!?! WHY??? *elephant-skinned*

great evening & night with great company.

& apparently this boy here didnt have any meal the whole day and i dint have any proper meal. went to hg plaza 5 star corner after that. ate black pepper chicken chop. hee. been long since I ate that. yum yum yum. had a great walk from kovan to plaza and then back to kovan. E-X-E-R-C-I-S-E done. yay to me!!

ok im gonna do work because this dearest boy is being a big bro and asking me to do my work . so im gonna do it, dilligently (I hope) hehehehe. byeeeeee. 

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