Thursday 4 October 2012

Memories stays

I'm otw to school now for my PW lecture . Suppose to meet my group and teacher at 9am for consultation. Apparently, my very bad habit of being late kicked in again and I overslept . I think they are angry with me ): need to get rid of this bad habit soon.

Sighpie. And I'm so hungry now. FOOOOOOOOD. I need food.

Anw. Since I've got nothing to do on the train now except checking out hot guys , erm no I mean checking out the train seats. Haha. I shall do my 30 posts letter challenge again . Today . letter to ex boyfriend.

My last official boyfriend relationship ended in sec 3 actually. Haha that's like omg so many years ago.

Hi ex boyfriend. How are you living right now? Got a new girlfriend alr? Haha. Sorry that our relationship ended on such a sour note. We were both immature last time I guess, not at a age suitable for a proper relationship yet huh . Although sometimes I think back at our 9 months together and hated some part of it, there's some memories I really cherish a lot and will never forget. Thanks for the memories ! I don't hate you anymore since it was a decision by me to get together. :) I hope you're living well. I actually wish we can still be friends. Thanks for being a lesson in my life, in my love life. Live well!

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