Saturday 13 October 2012

Forgive me? + Hottie love

Hey its 1.07am now and I've been reading blogs and watching online reality tv. Yes i know i should be doing PW. oh well. Gonna do soon cos I'm gonna wake up early tmr and go for cca at pasir ris which starts at 9am!

*behave crystal behave. go do your work after this k.*

 Post # 13 - Someone you wish could forgive you

I dont think there's anyone who hates me until they cant forgive me actually. I've not been committing crimes you see.  haha. I dont think la. thought about it and I decided to apologise to this one person that I've encountered with this year.

Hey how's life? I dont know how you see me now. But i just wanna say sorry like i told you the other day. I really enjoyed the times I've spent and I hope one day we can come to a point where we can be friends soon . take care. 

yup shortest letter cos i wanted to have high privacy for that :)

anw HOTTIE ALERT!!!!!! Justin Bieber just released a new video ft Nicki called beauty and a beat! i totally adored the music video, damn cute and the dance or stunts some of the swimmers do are really nice. I heard before this video was released there were news about Justin's laptop and camera being stealed and they were afraid the footages will be released. ( I dont really know whether they released it ) and guess what. everyone got PUNKED haha. it was just a promo for his new video. how cute with his humour!! xx.

                                                  currently my fav video of him :)

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