Thursday 25 October 2012


A random topic, a subject close to me -Insecurity

I think MOE hopes to educate students with thoughts of their own and a critical mind, so I actually try to have my thoughts in certain topics as far as I can relate. Just a practice for GP and JC llfe.

But. Man I dont know how to pen down my thoughts for this post. I'm actually staring hard at my com for this post for the first time, trying to organise my thoughts.  I just had some thoughts about insecurity as I reflect and look at some of the things, some of the people around me these few days. And, I actually got linked up with "Insecurity" quite a bit this year.

Wiki's def.

Insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be vulnerable in some way, or a sense of vulnerability or instability which threatens one's self-image or ego.

A person who is insecure lacks confidence in their own value, and one or more of their capabilities, lacks trust in themselves or others, or has fears that a present positive state is temporary, and will let them down and cause them loss or distress by "going wrong" in the future. This is a common trait, which only differs in degree between people.

Well, as seen from this def  it actually seems like insecurity is linked to confidence, ego. For me, yup, I think its related to confidence and ego also. But why is it linked this way? I think maybe its based on your past experience or encounter . As they say " once bitten twice shy", no one will want to let yourself be hurt after being  bitten once, right? Thats why we start to lose trust in ourselves, others, doubting things. losing confidence. We start to be cautious of our own actions, words and behavior because we dont want people to see us the way they used to and we dont want the associated impacts that comes alone with it. well, thats for me personally. I actually start to be self- conscious as I lose that self-confidence, because I know how it could be bad if I do something I perceive as not acceptable or how it is socially unacceptable.

I have friends telling me this is bad, telling me that I shouldnt be so self-consious and I shall just be myself to the fullest. I have hesitations on agreeing with this friend

You see, I used to be this girl who wants everything in my way, I want everyone to listen to me, I want my place, I want my talk. People start to distant from me and some start to bad-mouthed me. That was me when I was immature and living in my own world. But now as I think back on it, I don't like that, so I changed. I start to listen to others, I start to be less willing to speak out my thoughts as freely and out-rightly as I used to be. But I mean i don't know, is this considered a change for a better or is it insecurity kicking in?

I also start to be really  conscious of what other thinks of me as a result, because I have been making cautious little acts to ensure I dont become the old bitchy me. So, i start being conscious because I dont want people to misunderstand me for who I am, or see me as someone I dont want to be. Is this insecurity again? Or is it a change for a better?

Now, does insecurity have links with " a change for the better"?

I do think there's pros to insecurity actually, you slowly become the person you want to be, in a spot you will find more comfortable, easy in. You dont make stupid mistakes that others make, you become cautious and wary of things around you, you think twice, if not thrice before you shoot.

Also, you see, if you're self-conscious and insecure, you dont trust people easily right. If you're married, you lessen the chance of losing your man to others and cherish him more I guess! (Thats on the assumption that not all girls find a guy best for her that he will definitely stay loyal no matter what that is) You lessen the chance of getting together with jerks who you dont deserve as you ponder over whether you can trust this person and whether this guy is too good to believe for your own standards also, is he all out to cheat you out of something?

Yes I know how people say confidence is very important and you should be yourself, because if people really love you, they will accept you . But come on, if you're some fked up bitch and selfish girl with so much flaws, how can someone actually love you still? I dont believe in that unless that person really love you to bits or you guys are of the same flock.

Of cos insecurity has the share of cons. Its just annoying, you cant let go of yourself and you put unnecessary stress on yourself. You think too much also. and etc etc cons.

So well. Is self-confidence good or is insecurity good for you? I guess is should be equalled actually.

ah k, I just seem like some young teen getting confused in her own thoughts. oh well. haha I hope i get some views on "insecurity" so that I know whats best for me. haha

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