Thursday 25 October 2012

Commendation day

Today's commendation day! It's just this day when we went to the hall and celebrate all the j1s for coming so far (not so much of this leh) and congratulate those with academic and non-academic achievements.


With Kaiwen!

Some of the talks was a lil boring but I enjoyed this day. We had a little CG interaction before going the hall. Had sharings like "what do you like about this class and list one AFI " and "what's good about your CT and their AFIs" . As I slowly share, I suddenly felt a sense of grateful-ness, I felt I was blessed to be in this class and I'm just thankful for being in SRJC. Yes I'm serious haha

At the start of the year or throughout the year we had misunderstandings , bad perceptions of certain people and all! I disliked a few and thought some of the guys were REALLY immatured (there was this guy who laughed at my mickey ears i got pissed and all ) but I have come to spend a year, get to know some of their real intentions and I'm glad for this class, really. :) I grew and matured partly cos of them, both emotionally and in strength.

Here are some reasons why I like the class :

E.g. 1) Imagine having lessons from morning 8am and most of the days end at 6pm. The class energy level is just so amazing and good it pulls me through somewhat. Some of them are just so hyped up and funny! Haha. Had some hearty great laughs .

2) if you were to ask someone for help, they will actually be willing to help you, spend their time off to try to help you. After MYE, we had this buddy system where the better ones will help the weaker one academically! And really, my "tutor"/shifu , the best student in class at that time actually sacrifice his time for revisions and productive studying to help me and my other friends with our homework. So grateful of that

3) MY CTs are really awesome people. I remember I used to dislike one of my CTs because it seems like she likes to target me and ka-jiao me . Yes Miss Lam. But throughout the year, I get to know her . And I really like her now!! Her teasing are just part of her. She was also my PE teacher and throughout the year , from someone who never even bothers to run much in napfa, she encourages me , scolds me (she once kicked me out of class because me and my friends slacked throughout during PE even) and really pushes me to do better. And because of her, I broke some of my limits, I managed my first 10km will run and 10km Nike run. These 2 runs are certainly one of my highlights and lil things to be proud of this year and I'm glad she was partly the cause of this :) . My other CT, Mr Ma, also my GP teacher. I think he really puts in effort in teacher, he tries ways to make the class more bearable, engaging and interesting. Man trust me! It really helps a lot with his teaching method this year as I struggle to even stay awake in lessons. It was relaxing and I learnt a lot also, having first hand experiences on techniques! And guess what, I passed GP eventually for promos!! Yay !! He's so caring and I think he teaches me manners also. (He's quite sensitive about people greeting him and manners I suppose)

There are so many little reasons why so but I shall stop here. Just know I'm grateful for my class hehe.

Anw so after commendation day , we went to Seoul garden at Compass point! Mr Ma's and Ms Lam's treat yay !! Had fun and felt nice just being able to spend time together for lunch as a class today. Since we don't actually go out a lot as a class ! A fattening but delightful afternoon! ;)

Pictures from today!

Me and Kaiwen's take on OOTD. More like OOTTY - Outfit Of The Two Years haha

NOMS NOMS NOMS. protein feast.

chocolate ice cream and brownies. How can anyone get sick of sweet treats like this?

With Indah, very helpful and high CG rep.

With clique!

My shifu!!

Si Teng

Kai Kai

Da niao


my hair looks like siao zhabor.

hahaha. give me a choice for JC again, I will choose SR. :)

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