Tuesday 2 October 2012


Good morning babes & hunks! Today's letter for my dreams. And since I just woke up , I should totally post about this before I forgot what I just dreamt about . I tell you, it was CRAZEEEEEEH

So I dreamt that I had the chance to meet Ryan Higa through some lucky draw thing I guess! (OMG OMG OMG RYAN HIGAAAAAAAAAA *face turns red* )he came to find me near my house and we went to this kpt. And he ordered one chili crab , one black paper crab and two hairy crab (because I said hairy crabs are nice ahhhhhh!!) haha. So we ate or rather he watched me eat.

Then! Suddenly he had this phone call . I can't remember who called but fans started chasing. So my dad came to fetch us. Then we drove around with crazy fans singing and dancing , a lil like glee. And then we drove to Cheng Sin library (I highly doubt there's this library)

THEN. Something super weird happened . My dear Ryan Higa somehow became Noah Yap and then the story developed into gangsters chasing after me , my dad and sis. And yes , after Noah! (LOL YES. )

We hid in a toilet and then thinking Noah is one of us , we let him in the toilet to hide with us. But guess what?!? He stabbed us! Then it's like drama those kind I went "why?? Eh why did you do this?!? We were so nice to you! " and he ran away. (HMPH )

Then after that different gangsters and some celebrities tried entering the toilet to assassinate us. We fought and killed and gosh the dream was tiring .

Then suddenly my dream transform into a singing contest. I think Ryan Higa transformed into a girl. He or rather she sang in the contest also so I forgive him a bit and ta-da story ends .

LOL I KNOW THIS SOUNDS RIDICULOUS HAHAHAHAH. I woke up being angry and hesitant about forgiving him still......... Meh!

Dear dreams, it's good to dream about interesting things everyday. But it's making me so exhausted . It's like my mind didn't rest at all . );

& after typing so much. I just realized is it a letter to my dreams or dreams as in ambition uh?? Oops. Haha! Bye xx.

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