Monday 1 October 2012

Blood's always thicker than water

Ok I lied! I'm too guai to go clubbing! See my face know I'm a good girl alr ma. Like those virtuous girl who always stay at home read books do housework only. Haha .

30 posts letter challenge - letter to sibling.

My sibling and I ain't that close like those stick together all day kind of siblings. Hard to swallow fact but we actually quarrel almost everyday. Well I admit I'm impatient on my part, being intolerant .Sorry Sis .Although I always have a bad attitude to you , do know that whenever you have any problems, I care and I"ll stand up for you. Thanks for the chats we had when we are on good terms. Thanks for being nice to me at times . Thanks for being my sis. I know I should be the one to take the first step in mending this relationship. Sorry I haven't done so. I hope everything will be better as time pass I believe it will. :) all the best for eoy. You can do it .

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