Friday 12 October 2012


Yay self declared holiday for me today!! Spent my day watching drama and sleeping. (Y) slept so much that I missed polyclinic hours, no mc, hopefully I won't get scolded :/

Self declared because I woke up late. One more time late for me , I will be in the sch's early bird programme. Which means. Reaching school by 7am everyday. CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT?!?!? Freaking 7am?!?!?? Man.

Ok gonna go out for dinner with ma family soon!! Enjoy TGIF darlings ;)

actioncam! 8 of me!! hehehe. 

Panda and Hedgehog. so nice this show. the cakes they make. OMG NOMSZXVBSDVS

overpriced chocolate! its nice though :) my brunch haha

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