Sunday 28 October 2012

Funny young self

Have you guys ever look back at life when you were like in lower sec? I sure did today! I decided to read my older blog just now and I totally had a great laugh. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA. Yes that's how funny it is to me hehehe.

I blog about like where I go and did. And basically reading back at it , it look more like a police report than a blog. Why I so cute!! Ahem.

It went like ..... "Today I went hougang mall. Then I went to pepper lunch with blah and blah. So full. Then I went to ah ma house. " and end of post. then I start replying tag replies HAHAHAHAH. Oh dear . I wonder why do people even read my blog last time! Must be give me face leave tag on my chatterbox(oh that ancient) then never even read my posts. Haha!

And I post bad things about my closed ones. If I turn back time to my lower sec time , I surely will give myself two tight slaps for being so childish and washing my dirty linen in public. Man! Appreciate what your loved ones does for you young lads!! Or else you will feel like slapping yourself next time I promise.

Now I know why a stranger once told my friend my blog last time damn boring. I was still so angry when I heard last time and wanted to scold her. Now, HI FIVE STRANGER. Hahaha.

I sure hope my blog isn't as boring now. But even if its boring, sorry la ): it's just so my style of communicating, sharing and thoughts now! Wait till I grow up few years later , look back at this blog and laugh at myself then I change ok!! Hahahaha .

Come come I give you eg of posts from 2009, that's me at 14 years old!!

Most interesting post already! Got video for people to see somemore! Mai siao siao

Walao Crystal. Police report ah?

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