Monday 15 October 2012

Results day

So apparently I got back all my promos today. It was...... Much better than I expected I would score. Luckily. Hit more than 20 rank points which means there could be a high chance for retest. Which means i could have a chance to retake papers that i fail. A high chance for promotion.

Before results was out, I thought I would confirm not hit 20 rank points and decided I must as well retain even if I hit it. But now..... I don't know man. It seems like if I retain and reject retest, it would seem stupid. Oh well!! I'm just glad I pulled through more than 20 rank points now . Cos i actually did not study except for econs ( which is to my disappointment only 44.4% for promos! ) Still glad I passed though :) thanks to all the god that I prayed to. Thank you for watching over me!

Haha anw I've been wanting to rant about something super ridiculous - Couples on trains. I know I'm sounding unreasonable and ridiculous because I would probably do likewise if I had a boyfriend. But it actually annoys me as a single now to see couples cuddling on trains ): yes I said it. I was on the train on Saturday night. Imagine the scene...... Dark romantic night on the train ( a lonely one for me) , my phone went flat and I had nothing to do on the train. And there there was, two couples beside me. On my right, couple cuddling and look like they were gonna make out. And the other couple on my left standing close cuddling. That's not all, on my diagonal front, another couple lying on each other sleeping.

Well. CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT?!?! CAN YOU FEEL MY PAIN AND AWKWARDNESS AND LONELINESS?!?!? It actually sucks to be single at times like that. Man! Hahaha. So I had the random thought that gov should restrict intimate acts on trains. But I decided I was being straight ridiculous. Because I would have been guilty of cuddling on trains if I was attached too. Hahaha.

Meh. Single me just trying to be ridiculous. Oh well! I just felt .... Empty! Hahaha. Raging hormones again. Must be.

Since I'm on the topic of trains. I shall share something I thought was quite inspiring! I was on the train just these couples of day I forgot when. A small little girl board the train with her parents. Little girl on trains signifies something. It signifies a signal for whoever lazy bum sitting on the reserved seat who doesn't quite needs it to give up the seat. That's what almost all courteous Singaporeans will do, give up the seat.

But guess what? I overheard the parents saying to the child " make sure you don't ask people for seats or take the seats rightfully, it's not your right" I was like WOW. That's one educated pair of parents . Who would expect that coming ? I mean like normally kiasu parents board on the train all ready to wait for a seat given to their child ( sorry if I stereotyped ) and think that "hey it's my right to own the reserved seat for my young little fragile-might-just-fall-if-stand kiddo here" ! So that parent really got me WOW. Well done!

Ok till tmr , I hope whoever is reading this have a really good night/day ahead. Loves ;) I'm gonna do Chinese and pw. First day of Chinese intensive, I already got homework from page 15 to 42 ): intensive much. Buh-bye!!!

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