Saturday 6 October 2012

That time again

Ok this is going to be a pretty bloody, literally bloody and disgusting(to some people) topic I'm gonna talk about. It might be a little personal also. So if you're sensitive about these , you should exit now! I was looking for tips online and thought I might as well share some of the information here in case anyone needs it. I thought these tips could be useful to girls reading this and maybe to some of the guys if they have girlfriends ;) so the bloody topic is yes, menses .

I'm sure girls out there feel uncomfortable, moody, just-wanna-stay-at-home feeling when its their time of the year (speaking from my own experience) hence I found some of this tips online! Some to lessen the cramp and pain , and some to lessen the possible impacts of menses ;) these are tips when you're having the actual period, not PMS. You can google for more if you find these not enough.

Firstly, take pain killers. That is if you have cramps or serious cramps though! The cramps are caused by the egg being released from the uterus. Ibuprofen is usually just as good as things like Midol. I don't know what these chim names are but I guess you can get Panadol from all supermarkets or convenience store. The pink one! It works pretty well on me, and also who is to say no to these pretty hot pink pills?

Secondly! You girls can buy heating pad! I usually get mine from Daiso since its only $2 and there's like around 5 in a pack. Or pharmacies should sell uh. Or try alternative solutions like using Clary Sage oil and rub it into your stomach. That will prevent cramps. If all fails, I'm sure having a hot bubbly bath will do wonder :)

Thirdly, Alter your diet. Try to incorporate more potassium into your diet by eating foods such as banana, spinach(that poepye's fav food) Avoid salty and sugary foods.

Fourth, Get plenty of rest. It will keep your body in balance and you won't feel as bad. If you can, take a day off to relieve stress, since that's what makes your flow heavier. It's okay to stay at home all day and reject all appointments (Crystal's theory hehe)

Fifth, Engage in physical activity. Im not too sure how this help but for me personally, i dont like to do PE when having menses , if just makes me feel....... Messy and uncomfortable! But according to the source, exercise will actually make your period shorter. You might want to exercise while taking a pain medicine. However, sports may also make your stomach pains worse, so assess the situation as needed.

Next , Use good quality period panties that will support your lower abdomen and help you to relax. I'm not too sure what it means by that....... If anyone of you manager to find such a wonderful panty, please shed me some light so that I can get one too!

Also, Have comfortable clothes. Most women would prefer not to wear uncomfortable clothing while having their period. Imagine having menses and still have to wear tight fitting shirt that makes you even more uncomfortable! For me, wearing shorts instead of skirt is more comfy during period ! Source says : You can wear some sweat pants and a sweatshirt or anything else that feels comfortable, but don't make it too obvious. You can just wear black pants and keep a jacket around in case you stain your pants. When that happens, you can just tie it around your waist.

Lastly, Warn people you are close to ahead of time. Let them know you might be moody so they can prepare and take caution. Part of maturing into womanhood, though, is learning to manage your moods. If you experience severe mood swings, tell your doctor as you may need some help with an imbalance. For me, it's only occasionally uh unless the pain is really..... Or the flow is heavy!

Oh ya, also note that drinking teas is not too good! It will increase your discharge. I'm not too sure if this is scientifically proven, but that's what my mum and grandma tell me. And don't drink cold drinks girls! However tempting it is despite the warm weathers, try not to because cold drinks might cause blood clots and I think that increases risk of woman cancer!

I hope all these helps! Don't let guys think we girls are just monster during pre and actual menses period! ;) take care! xx.

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