Friday 5 October 2012

More than words

Saying I love you 
Is not the words I want to hear from you 
It's not that I want you 
Not to say, but if you only knew 
How easy it would be to show me how you feel 
More than words is all you have to do to make it real 
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me 
'Cause I'd already know 

I find this very relate-able in today's society. Too many fake people , too many people that acts as if they are very close to you , like your total bestie, but truth is, no. No, you can't count on that person when trouble hits. No, the person knows nothing about you. No, the person don't really care for you. They might be just out there for the benefits you have in you. 

I'm not totally zero guilty of this but most likely if you were to ask me today, I can easily identify who are the reals and who are the fakes. And I would probably show it in a way they know. For example, The reals go all out for you, putting aside their own arrangements and their own sacrifices for you. It could be little sacrifices like being late for lessons ,arrangements or run the extra distance for you. Also, they would be there for you forever. You know when someone really cares. It kicks in to actions. The fakes care about how other see you and her as, whether she's on your profile picture, screen display, instagram or whatsoever, whether you can only entertain her when you go out. They dont see the true beauty in friends just catching up and staying together.  Like come on, if I dont tell you my personal issues, isn't it obvious you are not suitable or I dont trust you enough? Man stop probing . 

 The most most most important thing is,for the reals,  if they have done something good for you, they wont flaunt it in a very big way. Eg. if they have to skip lunch or skip a meeting or some sort, you wouldnt see them showing off what they did for you , like "Eh wa you okay or not, I skip meals for you leh because you know I'm damn worried of you right, you know I love you right , now I have to go to somewhere else all hungry just because of you, one whole day hungry just for you". If they really care, easily, more than words. They take the sacrifices and keep it to themselves, maybe they can mention a lil if they want your company for lunch since he skipped lunch for you but they don't flaunt it in a big way.Care and concern apart from words come from actions

This is of utmost important when you come to choosing your boyfriend or girlfriend I guess. If a guy or a girl keeps flaunting the sacrifices be it how minor, truth is they dont love you that much. They wouldnt complain about the extra distance they have to run for your convenience, the extra effort to get you a gift or whatever extra little actions they do for you. Because if they love you, they will, willingly.

These are just my thoughts, words do come to work to a certain degree. But if you do care, you show it with your actions naturally, willingly, happily, no matter how small an effort can be . Not that mentioning your efforts will not do, but every single time is probably too much  

But of course. There are exceptions from what I said whatever it could be! I don't know . Maybe like if you are like always non appreciative to start with , then maybe your friend & partner as normal humans feels that you're not appreciative , then start complaining I guess! :)

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