Tuesday 23 October 2012

Nike WeRun Sg 2012

Been trying to publish this since sunday and it failed! FINALLY. published successfully!! (Y)


Sunday, 21/10/12 :)

Went for Nike WeRun 10km today!! It started off at esplanade area and ended near marina bay sands. I think around 20000 people went and SRJC WON SCH CATEGORY!!! YAY.

Hehe. It's pretty fun . In fact I find it easier than school's will run. (I struggled though) Maybe because its not going around rounds and I don't really see the distance! Ran with Cintia for most of the race.

Pretty scenery everywhere. But I have slight sunburn , face's red now hai. Managed to complete below 90min mark and I have the finisher tee! Yay.

But stupid thing is i ran holding my phone. i swear i can feel the radiation going through my hand because my hands was wet from the sweat also. hai. And just had to bring my phone because me and Cintia was scared we run until cannot find each other .

& true enough, it was right to bring our phone around because there were a few times when we lost sight of each other and even with phone, I walked a few KM trying to locate her haha. should totally get an armband soon!

And sian damn ugly photos for the run today, my fringe hai. Trusted my hairstylist so much so I didn't give any specific instructions . Haha I'm glad I'm not ranting about it as much because I'm a grown up now . HEHEHE. And also I told myself "at least my hair is nice to one person,the hairstylist " haha he should find it nice since he cut it one la . Hahaha.

ugly cos of the runner tee's also. walao. I suspect whether they designed it to make all the girl's flaws appear. Not all the runners are slim, sexy has that weet-woot-weet body can!! ); don't have to remind me that. Make me look so fat . Tsk. Please have a larger shirt next year. And I'm not the only one, there's a lot of complains on Facebook for them also.

Ok bye!

3rd flag-off

gorgeous view , really.

me and cintia or is it cintia and me or is it cintia and I? my grammar urgh

random photo i snapped walking to the starting point

totally gorgeous running view

love the cute frame they have 

another one :)

With Mr Kan after run!

with Ms Lam after run. I.FREAKIN.LOOK.LIKE.A.BALL. gosh

look at the rubbish. Ungracious Singaporean. *shakes head* fine, ok i admit to contributing some of the rubbish during the run itself. Every one just threw it on the floor at every hydration point and i thought there wasnt any dustbin also, so you know..... guilty.

photobooth! can i just say i want a photobooth for my 21st celebration, please? anw, this is the finisher tee! cutting wasnt that slim. luckily, but still small even know I took M.

random tiger moth( I think) Cintia took. So pretty, it was on the bench

Next run will be run for hope 2012 with sis! Looking forward to it. :)

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