Saturday 27 October 2012

Dummy's guide to living life

Man, spent the past one and a half hour changing blogskins, editing html codes. Got pissed from editing html codes from cos of the small font size and I really dont know how. Went back to blogger skins, then realised i can actually choose my own background image . WHICH MEANS. i wasted my past one and a half hour looking for nice skins from people and editing them. GOOD JOB CRYSTAL! ): how do you like my new tribal background now?? yay or nay?

anw I'm really bored of the 30 posts challenge now . hehe. I decided im too creative to rely on that for posts inspirations haha. nah im just joking, I will do that when I have the mood. I just have topics and other stuff to post on hand than that.

Lets look at what interesting topic I've come out with that's better than the 30 posts thing. *DRUMROLLS* - The dummy 's guide to living life.  

Ok meh, actually this is going to be a lil boring and act-inspiration post . haha . Its  just some questions that got me thinking about life recently and I shall just share it. I mean at a age of 17, we will definitely think about what we want to do for our life in the future and how we want our life to turn out right! At the age of 14, we already chose our subject combinations in preparation of what we want to pursue in our tertiary education , be it going to a specific course in poly or arts/sci stream in JC and so on. Then at the age of 16, after O's for me, I had to choose which path to go to as I prepare for the jobs I want when I graduate from tertiary or uni .So come on, put on your thinking caps! Let's try to think about our life together, we need to build a critical mind and thoughts of our own. LET'S GOOOOOOOO.

First question that I got was from Darren Ong, a local youtuber. He was sharing his views and giving some encouragements for O level students this year with regards to their future path and I thought it was really inspiring which got me thinking. The question was - If money has no value in society today, what would you rather be doing?

This is the video :)

I had doubts on what I want to do after I graduate from JC . Business or social science? But after watching this video, I chose social science. I mean if there's no value to money and I need to have a job, I would rather be out helping people, doing voluntary jobs, changing people's life rather than sitting in a office doing meaningless admin stuff, handling customer service calls, doing the accounts for the company and stuff. But practicality always beats dreams and passion. Last year, NYP came to my school to like intro their course and I considered on going for their social science course. But the person said that the pay in future will definitely not be high and its more of the passion than the money. So thats what held me back. I mean like I go for branded stuff and luxury products, and business related pay could definitely go much more higher. Oh well. Practicality or passion?

The next set inspiration thoughts came from Dr richard . I came across on his speech on facebook, he was a millionaire and a cosmetic surgery . So he was rich but he wasn't really blessed with "wealth" and happiness. He was contracted with stage 4 liver cancer and come to realise the true meaning of happiness. He always thought success = happiness .

"See the irony is that all these things that I have, the success, the trophies, my cars, my house and all. I thought that brought me happiness. But i was feeling really down, having severe depression. Having all these thoughts of my possessions, they brought me no joy. The thought of... You know, I can hug my Ferrari to sleep, no... No, it is not going to happen. It brought not a single comfort during my last ten months. And I thought they were, but they were not true happiness. But it wasn't. What really brought me joy in the last ten months was interaction with people, my loved ones, friends, people who genuinely care about me, they laugh and cry with me, and they are able to identify the pain and suffering I was going through. That brought joy to me, happiness. None of the things I have, all the possessions, and I thought those were supposed to bring me happiness. But it didn't, because if it did, I would have felt happy think about it, when I was feeling most down.."


You guys should totally watch the video. Its inspiring and thought-provoking :)

Anw, So this got me thinking of what I want to do in life again, I will choose social science and jobs that allow me to help others again.

And the last question was from Miss Ng, she asked this during commendation day - What kind of builder would you want to be? Bob the builder ? haha . eh for me personally, I just hope that by the end of my life, I hope I would mature to be a person that embraces the true meaning of forgiving, loving, happiness, etc. I hope by then I would accept people for who they really are and not judge people so much. I hope I would be living happily with my spouse, kids and grand kids and nurtured them into good people who gives back to the society. And I hope I would be satisfied with the major choices I have made in my life , live and grow with my regrets. I really hope so although it sounds too noble and big to achieve. hahaha.

For now, this is all talk. I guess I shall start from studying for my chinese A's on monday and try to not be such a lazy ass anymore so that I can have the choices in life. hahaha. But a conclusion from this post is that I still dont have a clear cut answer on what I would pursue in life in future. Maybe i will still work admin jobs and continue volunteering when I'm free or maybe I will go all out in social sector. I dont know. 

 I hope these questions got you thinking and inspire you as much as it did to me. :) Have a great weekend.

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