Monday 1 October 2012


Maths's ovaaaaaaaaaaa, like over!! I thought it was tough! but its ok, I'm glad all these tortures were over. You have no idea how painful it was to sit through every single paper trying to smoke through everything . hai.

After exam, went for Macdonald's! sinful pleasure again. aye its okay its okay, once in a long long time. eh yes, excuses ......  I blame Macs for that. Y SO CHEAP?? $2.50 only la. cheaper than I eat in school if I count in the drink .


Went grandma house after that, it had been really long. missed everyone there esp dear ah ma hee. 

look at the guava ah ma seasoned. NOMS

3 Straight day of pomelos

yum! home cooked food's the best hehe 

so happy today, staying over at ah ma house ! :)

Anw you guys should totally download DJ Max! I rmb playing it on my friend's psp last time , was totally addicted to it . The iPhone version not bad! But very little songs! Must unlocked to get more songs

Ok I'm gonna go clubbing now that exam's over. Drink drank drunk.

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