Sunday 7 October 2012

The hunt for...... Pancakes

Went out with Crystal today! Been long since I went out and have some fun so I was looking forward to it for quite a while!! Hehe.

Met at dhoby first and we had a hard time looking for each other because I forgot she took from purple line and I took from red line hahaha! Sotongs indeed bloop bloop! Trained down to bras besah because this pretty girl wanted to try "Strictly Pancakes"

From bras besah, the journey and hunt for pancakes began!! It sounds stupid and like a joke I know but we actually tried to locate "strictly pancakes" for an hour haha. We even walked up to bugis area and dhoby area and after very long found it near SOTA. Imagine the blazing sun . I think we walked a few km . And the fact that apple map and street directory didnt helped much sucks . Haha imagine the joy when we found it .

But to my disappointment, its not that fantastic that i will go down all the way for it. once is enough! not saying the food is bad though. I ordered the druggie (sp might be wrong) which is basically chocolate pancakes with chocolate ice cream and strawberries! It's not too bad , in fact it's nice compared to other pancakes . The pancake is moist and soft! But maybe it's just the chocolate flavor but its quite sickening to eat three of it! Maybe it will be good to share if you go there :) so I'm kind of sick of pancakes currently haha.





Then we head over to ion to get present for friend! Went sephora, smelled so much perfume that it was uncomfortable . Walked around getting lost . I don't know why but we keep getting lost and can't find our directions today ): haha . Leg was sore by then!!

Then head down to shaw for taken 2!! It's not bad actually but not my type of show , like killing and kidnapping . I had to cover my eyes because its too brutal for me haha.

Ok. pictures!

happy girl today :)

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